Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Notice of Operations - within 45 days

Something that I had not realized when I first started the process was that within 45 days of receiving a business license the entity is required to publish a notice of operation.

The notice requires you to fill out details of your employees, office location, bank account number and more.  Then you must publish the notice in three newspapers.

This requirement should have been driving the timeline for most of what I did. While I set up the entity as soon as possible it set in motion a 45 day time clock during which time I had several things that I had to accomplish. I needed to change my cheap ro, I needed to set up a bank account which I had to be there in person for, I needed to change my address from the temporary address to the permanent address and I had to figure out what newspapers I could publish things in and in what form.

While I did not No exactly what would happen if I missed that 45 day time. My thought was that I would need to start over. Since I had not yet hired any employees the portion where I notified the government of my employees was very easy I also did not yet have a bank account so I was able to mark it as blank. However I did need to the same time I had to have my chief Ro changed to my permanent ro. With only 45 days there was very little slack between the time frames and for mailing purposes I basically have to get all my documents to my attorney in Vietnam within about a month of the company starting and then they only had a week or so to file everything all the changes and get the notices into three consecutive newspapers over the course of a week. If I were to do this again I would delay the entity set up until I had the ability to take the chief are all to Vietnam so that all of the signatures could be taken care of at once when the entity was set up. I would also before setting up the entities I would have made the office selection so that I would never have to change the office. I would also set up a bank account during that first week when I was there in Vietnam with the chief ro.

All of these decisions are based on the fact that there is no time savings benefit from doing some portion ahead of time because in the end the additional trips and documents that go back and forth make it so there is a longer delay during the setup of the company.  And a trip is still required to Vietnam for the chief ro

Changing the office address -forms

As part of the overall plan for setting up the representative office entity at a temporary attorneys address. An important next step is to change the address to be final office space that we rent. However the process is not Temple Run since we are the most we need help with an attorney to do this for the actual submission and we also need approval from the home office. Until we had 10 different forms. We had to fill out a corporate resolutio. in English and Vietnamese, A decision to change the address in English and in Vietnamese we had to fill out the application to the hanoi authority in Vietnamese and English.  We filled out an expla atiom of the address change in vietnamese and english (to describe to the authority why we are changing so quickly. We filled out a form 80 in Vietnamese only We filled out a power of attorney which was a single form with both English and Vietnamese.  For this particular filling,  I was heading to Vietnam for a week to open the office and welcome my new employees for their first day so I am just going to schedule an appointment with the Hanoi authority and my attorney and my office manager so we can do our own filings in the future.     It also saves my 65$ shipping. (Combined with the other form I would have had to send the shipping savings are almost 10% of the flight)

Notes on office space

Selecting and office space in Hanoi was rather easy.  I am a small company looking to enter the Vietnam market rather quickly and inexpensively.  So ideally I would be able to find an office space that is already built out. Even better would be if it has furniture in it.
As you may have seen in several of my other posts, that is exactly what I found. It turned out that the one i selected was the only one that a realtor search found so this might be somewhat rare.  As I was talking noncommittally. The building manager evaluating the space she did say that she would repaint the space at no cost and give us the first month free so that we could do our office fitting out.    Once I agreed however we had to work remotely in order to put the deal together. Where the quick turnaround time starts to become an issue. We talked about a start time about 7 days in the future with a one month period for a fitout.
This seems like plenty of time to implement t.  However we had to deal with a 150 page agreement,  the first original came from hanoi via some 6 day mail,  then I had to had to have time to review sign and return.  Next it takes about 3 business days for a check to clear. So realistically the lease dates started well before payment had been made and the agent is willing to turn over the keys.

Since I was not there but my office manager was he received the "handover" document.  Apparently this document is very important as the realtor was hesitant when I called her about meeting to pick up the keys.  I will be anxious to see what it is.

Once the office had been painted I asked the lard lord for a suggestion for an Internet contact.  Previously I had requested a couple of contacts in the landlord forwarded them to me. However my attempts to contact them via email and no one ever responded. Each of the Contacts also have a phone number however when I attempted to call the phone number they did not speak English so we could not get anywhere with any kind of order. Sorry I asked the landlord pearl pearl again this time she did a warm and nice and sent an email conversation that she was having with him.  I was able to respond to both of them and jump into the middle of the conversation and they very quickly forwarded Oracle. Internet speeds are interesting in that I can buy 100 mags for about $90 however only 2% of that speed is for international. That means that the majority of traffic we would be doing is severely restricted. It will be interesting to see how much speed we actually get.